Changing Dreams by Kirsten Osbourne

Changing Dreams by Kirsten Osbourne

Author:Kirsten Osbourne [Osbourne, Kirsten]
Language: eng
Format: epub
Publisher: Unlimited Dreams Publishing
Published: 2019-08-01T18:30:00+00:00


As soon as Alyssa was outside the house, she breathed a sigh of relief. Her hormones were in a whirl after meeting Nick. She was a million times more attracted to the man than she had ever been to Tim, and spending time with the contractor was the last thing she needed. He was certainly good-looking, but it was more than that. Her instinct was to run from him, because she couldn’t deal with another relationship with a man like Tim. She almost wanted to refuse whatever bid he gave them, just so she could avoid him, but contractors weren’t that plentiful in Bear Lake. If his quote was good, they would have no choice but to accept it.

She did wish her sisters hadn’t made a fuss about her running in front of him, because it was none of his business why they didn’t think she should run. All of her sisters had expressed to her—privately—that they were worried she was becoming anorexic after the time with Tim. She didn’t think so, but she had to respect their worries. Still, she would have preferred if they hadn’t spoken so freely in front of Nick.

She stretched a little and started a slow jog down toward the lake, which was one of their property borders. She could see that Nick had been right, and there was no beach, only snow, so she decided to keep her run on the streets of the small town. It wouldn’t be as fun, but she could run on the beach all summer long. She hoped. It had been known to snow in Bear Lake in June.

Her favorite thing about running was allowing her thoughts to roam freely. She never tried to direct her brain to certain thoughts, and instead it was whatever jumped to the forefront. Alyssa knew a lot of people who preferred to run with an audiobook or music playing, but that kept her from what she needed.

Being back in the small town was wonderful. She remembered each street well. Running past the house where Hannah had grown up, she smiled. They had spent a lot of time playing at her house so her cousins and sisters wouldn’t bother them.

Next, she ran past the shake place where Bear Lake raspberry shakes were made and sold. It had been a thing when they were kids to walk over there every day for a raspberry shake. Of course, Kayla had always insisted on chocolate shakes, which made no sense to Alyssa. Chocolate shakes were everywhere. Only in Bear Lake could you get raspberry shakes—or better yet, raspberry cheesecake shakes—to keep your taste buds jumping. She noted that the shake shack was closed until Memorial Day and frowned. They would have to figure out how to make raspberry shakes on their own. It was too much a highlight of being at the lake to miss out during the spring and winter.

She kept running, moving on toward the elementary school. All the kids in the area went to


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